Meet Robert Rogalski, an illustrator, concept designer sculptor, model builder, and puppet maker... Born in rural western New York, Robert has been fascinated since childhood by stories of The Hobbit, Peter Pan, and other enchanted worlds.

This fascination is reflected in his art, and now the man creates figurines of whimsical fairy tale characters. Robert also builds huge trees right in apartments. Such constructions add a magical atmosphere to one's home and become an attractive object for curious cats. The artist has recently made one of such trees for his friend and his furry pet.

Robert Rogalski has created a fairy-tale tree in his friend's apartment which his cat loved at once

Source: Robert Rogalski

To create the tree, the artist first makes a wooden frame

Source: Robert Rogalski

Then, using foam, paper, and clay, he creates a realistic structure for the trunk and branches

Source: Robert Rogalski

He uses cardboard and papier-mâché in his work, which contributes to the durability of the structure

Source: Robert Rogalski

The final touches are painting the tree and the cat's examination of the work

Source: Robert Rogalski

The result is a fabulous tree which the cat can climb and have a rest there without leaving the house

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Source: Robert Rogalski

It's also a good observation point for the furry beauty

Source: Robert Rogalski

Robert makes such trees not only for his friends, but also to order for those who want to turn their home into a magical forest. You can look at these talented man's works on his Instagram page and on his official website, where he shares his creations.


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