Simon and Leonardo, a three-legged calf and a giant tortoise, had been through a lot before they met. Their friendship proves that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, one just has to wait a little longer.

Leonardo lost his home when his zoo closed

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Leonardo, a male spurred tortoise, had no idea what the future had in store for him when he was picked up from a closing zoo in Bangkok, Thailand. Then he ended up at Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand in 2013. Leonardo was slowly getting used to his new life and didn't know he wouldn't soon be so lonely.

Simon the calf got tangled up in a vineyard

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In 2016, Simon was just a little calf. He lost his leg when he got stuck in the vines. That's when volunteers with Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand came to his rescue. The organization made him a prosthetic leg and transported him to their animal sanctuary. Simon lost his leg, but was about to find a new best friend.

Soon the calf and the tortoise met

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The rescuers planned to introduce Simon to the other calves at the sanctuary but he seemed to have other plans. "We decided to temporarily house him in a large outdoor enclosure at the WFFT rescue center where he could settle in," WFFT officials wrote. "Then we wanted to move him to the field where we had two other rescued calves living." But then Simon saw Leonardo and wouldn't leave his side. "To our surprise, the calf immediately bonded with the tortoise," WFFT officials said.

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The calf and turtle often follow each other around, sharing meals and resting together. The staff and the rest of the world are thrilled with this unlikely friendship.

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"We hope that this unlikely friendship will continue to flourish," WFFT stated. We also wish Simon and Leonardo many happy years together!

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Watch this video featuring Simon and Leonardo playing:

What do you think of Simon and Leonardo's unusual friendship?

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