Nick and Leela took a trip through West Virginia three years ago. Nick, a professional photographer, was so fascinated by the scenery of those places that he decided to move out of the city into the wilderness. So he came up with the idea to build a house in the woods and live in harmony with nature.

Source: lemurov

The couple has showed a great creativity. Although the choice of the material for their new home might seem a little bit strange, they decided to build a house made of window frames.

Source: lemurov

Nick and Leela contacted all their acquaintances to buy up old unwanted frames. As a result, their new home cost them only $500.

Source: lemurov

Its construction took six weeks, but if it hadn't been for their friends' help, the couple wouldn't have completed it so quickly. Leela is a designer, so she supervised the erection of the building and was responsible for the interior design.

Source: lemurov

The house is located in the middle of nowhere, so it is rather scary at night.

Source: lemurov

But Nick solved the problem. He took in two dogs that guard the house and report any unwelcome guests.

Source: lemurov

The house changes dramatically at night. The owners light many lamps and candles. According to Nick and Leela, there is no better place in the world to live in.

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Source: lemurov

Source: lemurov

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