Tracy Fowler of Vermont decided to take in physically challenged shelter dogs because they were less likely to find new owners.

Source: Tracy Fowler

Several years ago, Tracy had a German Shepherd named Fowler. The doggie became disabled after an illness and had to use a wheelchair to move around. According to Tracy, the sweet dog continued to play until his last day. After Fowler passed away, the woman decided to take in several dogs with disabilities.

"I have eight dogs now. Six of them are physically challenged. I got two Shepherds earlier," Tracy explains.

Source: Tracy Fowler

The woman finds that caring for these dogs is not difficult, it just means more cleaning. "If you're afraid of that, these dogs are not for you," she adds.

Source: Tracy Fowler

The dogs are bathed in love and care and get along with each other. They usually move around using wheelchairs. But when it snows, Tracy swaps the wheels for skis so the pets can continue playing outside.

Source: Tracy Fowler

"If we can show at least one dog owner that there is an option other than saying goodbye [to a sick pet], our goal is achieved," Tracy says.

Source: Internet story

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