Jon Bon Jovi's band was extremely popular in the '80s and '90s, and their songs are still listened to with great pleasure around the world. The charismatic and talented leader has become not just an idol of millions, but also a sex symbol.

Source: Legion Media

The band Bon Jovi was formed in the early 80's, when rock music was on an extraordinary rise. At that time, 20-year-old Jon was working as a salesman in a women's shoe store while making music. He was spotted by a reputable producer Derek Shulman who offered him a collaboration. Thus began the story of one of the most brilliant bands in the world of rock music.

Derek Shulman. Source: wikimedia

Talented guys quickly gained millions of fans. The repertoire of Bon Jovi included both romantic ballads and powerful driving tracks. And, of course, a lot of success was also due to front man Bon Jovi. In those years, the handsome redheaded rock star stirred the imagination of his female fans.

Source: wikimedia

But today, Bon Jovi is no longer the handsome man he was. He's gone completely gray, there are deep wrinkles on his face and his features have hardened.

John has lost the former sensuality that once drove women all over the world crazy.


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